From: David P. Hayes
Newsgroups: alt.movies, misc.writing.screenplays, rec.arts.movies,
rec.arts.movies.current-films, rec.arts.movies.misc,,
rec.arts.movies.past-films,, umn.general.movies
Date: Saturday, April 25, 1998 12:24 PM
On Thu, 23 Apr 1998, Tom Whitaker wrote:
> I'm compiling an article for a magazine on those sneaky after credits extra
> scenes. Could any friendly, generous, helpful people out there PLEASE e-mail
> me with the name of any film with such an extra scene, and (preferably) a
> description of what happens? This would be greatly appreciated!
Although this subject came up two months ago in rec.arts.movies.past-films, I can add to my reply of Feb 2:
Films that rewarded their viewers for sitting through the credits by having a scene after the credits are "Airplane!," "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," and most notably "Young Sherlock Holmes." The latter has an astonishing turn of events in a brief scene following the credits.
I've read that a John Carpenter film, ca. 1978, was the first film to have a tag scene following the credits.
This thread has been discussing some films that have scenes UNDER the credits, not after them, examples of this being the Eddie Murphy "The Nutty Professor" and the theatrical release of "Being There," both of which have blundered takes under the credits. "Liar! Liar!" (1997) does this as well.
Other examples of material in the closing credits that make it worthwhile to see to sit through them:
One of the early Zucker-Abrams-Zucker collaborations ("Kentucky Fried Movie") sneaks into the credits, "Author of 'A Tale of Two Cities'___________Charles Dickens." Other Zucker-Abrams-Zucker films have had their gag lines in what are otherwise dull lists of participants.
The recent "As Good As It Gets" has the usual Humane Society disclaimer ("The animals used in this film were treated with the utmost concern… ."), followed by a disclaimer I'd never seen before: "The actors in this production were in no way misused." (I'm waiting for an end-credits roll that follows the Humane Society disclaimer by an admission that the cast and crew were served beef, poultry and fish at their meals. I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm also no hypocrite.)
I believe that it was "Tapeheads" that followed the usual FBI warning ("unauthorized copying may lead to civil and criminal penalties…") with "Break the law. Go to Jail."
David Hayes
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